The most important thing for an actor to remember in a callback is to be consistent, according to Casting Director, Holly Powell. The Casting Director called you back after your pre-read audition, because they liked what you did in the room with them. All too often, an actor will get excited about a callback and will go home and work on it and change things. When the actor comes to the callback with all their new ideas, they are unrecognizable to the Casting Director. The actor has changed the original choices they made that got them called back in the first place. So, consistency is key.If an actor gets a callback and the casting director has given them no notes, the actor should not think of the how, but the what. Dont try to remember how you said the line that the casting director laughed at, but think back to the beginning of the sceneWhat do you want, Where are you, Who are you talking to, and What happened the moment before the scene starts The 4 Ws. Part of the problem with the callback is that the job gets closer.
So, the actor starts mentally focusing on thoughts like: I hope I get this job; I want to please my agent; I wont have to move back to my hometown if I book this job, etc. Mentally focusing on sabotaging thoughts interferes with the job of the actor. The job of the actor is to mentally focus on what is going on in Duplex Stainless Steel Casting the sceneWhere am I, Who am I taking to and how do I feel about this person, What do I want, and What just happened the moment before the scene starts. The callback is usually in a different, larger room from the pre-read room. There are more people in the room (the Producers and possibly the Director) and there may be a camera in the room for taping the audition. Nerves can come from the fear of the unknownhow many people are in the room, how large is the room, is there a camera in the room, etc. The chair is the one familiar object from an actors living room to the audition room. Powell asks actors to spy the chair and connect with it in some way to help ground themselves as they take control of the room. Also, an actor can take control of the room by making sure they know who they are reading with. They may have read with a casting assistant in the pre-read and may now not recognize anyone in the room.